Independent watchmakers Laurent Ferrier and Christian Ferrier will present “The Natural Escapement” as the October lecture of the Horological Society of New York (HSNY) on Monday, October 4. Scheduled for 1 pm EST, the virtual seminar (via Zoom) will include Laurent  Ferrier’s personal interpretation of horological theories on the escapement as proposed by his peers.

Laurent Ferrier is co-founder and creative director at Montres Laurent Ferrier in Geneva, where his son Christian Ferrier serves as movement creator.

Christian Ferrier and Laurent Ferrier

The October lecture will take place via Zoom and has been scheduled to accommodate local time in Switzerland. There will be no in-person gathering for this HSNY October lecture.

The Ferriers will discuss how their watchmaking company successfully updated Abraham-Louis Breguet’s natural escapement. As the HSNY explains, Breguet was unable to ensure the escapement’s reliability because of the manufacturing techniques and materials available at the time.

“Two hundred years later, Laurent Ferrier gave the natural escapement a new lease on life. At the October 2021 meeting of the Horological Society of New York, Laurent and Christian Ferrier will discuss the principles of the natural escapement and how they succeeded in manufacturing it,” according to the HSNY.

The Zoom Webinar will begin promptly at 1pm EST and registration is required. All lectures remain free and open to the public.

To accompany the lecture, Montres Laurent Ferrier will hold an exhibition of timepieces, including some with natural escapements, at the Horological Society of New York, during the afternoons of October 5 and October 6. HSNY members and the general public are welcome to attend. Timed tickets are required, as well as proof of vaccination. Masks are optional but strongly encouraged. Additional details for the lecture and the exhibition are available at the HSNY website. Click here to register for the exhibition, and here to register or the lecture.


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